Osteochondrosis of the chest: symptoms, treatment, causes, stages

what is osteochondrosis in the chest

Osteochondrosis affecting the thoracic spine is often disguised as pathology of internal organs. It is manifested by pain in the heart, shortness of breath, shortness of breath and panic attacks. Therefore, the diagnosis of thoracic osteochondrosis is somewhat difficult. After its discovery, conservative treatment is carried out with the help of drugs, physiotherapy, exercise therapy. And with severe damage to the thoracic discs and vertebrae, surgical intervention is required.

Short description of the disease

Thoracic osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine. In the initial phase of its development, the intervertebral discs are slowly destroyed. They become thin, brittle and radial cracks appear on their surface. In order to stabilize the thoracic segment affected by osteochondrosis, the bone tissue of the vertebrae grows by creating acute growths - osteophytes. This becomes the reason for the severe restriction of mobility, compression of blood vessels and spinal root.

Degree of pathology

The degree of osteochondrosis is a set of symptoms characteristic of a certain radiographic phase. The more deformed the discs and vertebrae, the more pronounced the clinical manifestations. The severity of the pathology always determines the tactics of treatment, it must be taken into account when choosing drugs and methods of their use.

I degree

X-rays usually do not show any changes. But the intervertebral disc has already begun to collapse due to the inability to retain the moisture necessary to regenerate its tissues. Sometimes there is a slight discomfort in the back, which quickly disappears after a short rest. Grade 1 osteochondrosis is usually discovered by accident during the diagnosis of other diseases.

degree of pathology

II degree

The fibrous ring becomes loose, fibrous. One of the cracks on the surface of the disc increases, there extends the nucleus pulposus. On the radiograph, a decrease in the distance between adjacent vertebral bodies is noticeable due to a decrease in disc height. As a result of constant compensatory muscle tension, the mobility of the chest area is limited and moderate painful sensations occur.

III degree

The integrity of the annular fiber is violated, and the nucleus pulposus is squeezed out of it. A hernial bulge forms - the main cause of severe symptoms and severe complications of osteochondrosis in the chest. The bodies of the vertebrae are deformed, individual osteophytes are formed. The pain in the thoracic region becomes constant, the range of motion in the spine is significantly reduced.

IV degree

X-rays clearly show the growth of connective tissue, the formation of multiple osteophytes. Adjacent vertebral bodies are blocked, immobilized. Radicular syndrome develops, discogenic myelopathy often occurs - compression of the spinal cord, dangerous due to its irreversible consequences. A person is almost not served in everyday life, he loses the ability to perform professional duties.

Causes of thoracic spine osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis in people older than 40-45 years develops due to the natural aging of the body: slowing of recovery reactions, reduced collagen production, which causes elasticity, strength of ligaments. At a younger age, it occurs as a result of increased stress on the spine or on the background of already present pathologies in the body:

  • rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • endocrine and metabolic diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, gout, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism;
  • congenital and acquired anomalies, including kyphosis, scoliosis.

Previous spinal injuries, an inactive lifestyle and a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body can cause premature destruction of the disc.

Characteristic signs and symptoms of the disease

causes of osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis develops gradually, initially without showing. In that course lies his danger. The person takes mild back pain and discomfort due to banal muscle fatigue after a hard day’s work, housework or gardening and does not seek medical help. Therefore, patients are usually diagnosed with pathology of 2-3 degrees of severity, which is difficult to treat conservatively.

At the very beginning

During the period of exacerbation, the pathology may manifest as pain between the shoulder blades, which occurs when bending and turning the body. The range of motion is reduced and many specific signs of relapse are present.

Chest pain

In osteochondrosis, chest pain first appears. They are not clearly localized, they can be given to hands, collarbones, ribs. The pain in the heart is severe or moderate, reminiscent of an attack of angina pectoris, it is not removed by taking nitroglycerin. Sometimes they are similar to the feelings that occur during the exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis. But unlike lesions of the pancreas or gallbladder, the pain is not accompanied by increased gas production, heartburn and bloating.

Chest tightening

Pain between the shoulder blades is sometimes accompanied by a feeling of shortness of breath when inhaling. The person is expected to be scared, not understanding the reasons for this condition. Doctors recommend that you do not panic, but sit down and measure your heart rate. If the value obtained does not exceed 100 beats per minute, then the probability of lung or heart disorders is extremely small.

Other symptoms

Gradually the symptoms of osteochondrosis worsen with sensitivity disorder. Numbness, tingling, crawling are felt. Occasionally there are conditions that resemble panic attacks. They are characterized by fear, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating and cold sweats. If these symptoms are accompanied by chest pain, it is necessary to take nitroglycerin and call a doctor. A similar set of symptoms may indicate a myocardial infarction.

specific symptoms of osteochondrosis

The roots of the spine, located in the thoracic region, innervate the internal organs. When they are irritated, compressed, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver is disturbed. Peristalsis is disturbed, epigastric pain, heartburn, belching occur.

Subacute phase signs

After exacerbation, the subacute stage of thoracic osteochondrosis begins. Pain and breathing problems are still present, but are much less intense. For a long time a person does not look for a comfortable body position in which no pain is felt. The duration of the subacute phase is up to two weeks. If all medical recommendations are followed, remission occurs, which is characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms. Violation of the regime leads to a new worsening of osteochondrosis.


In the remission phase, mild discomfort may occur when weather changes or subcooling. Acute pain occurs only in osteochondrosis of 2-4 degrees of severity due to too sharp rotation or tilt of the body. Worsening of chronic pathologies, stress, increased physical activity, prolonged stay in one position of the body can cause a new relapse.

Principles of disease diagnosis

diagnosis of osteochondrosis

The neurologist makes the primary diagnosis based on the patient's complaints, anamnesis data. During the external examination, it reveals points in the thoracic region, by pressing on which pain occurs. Conducting functional tests allows you to assess the safety of reflexes and identify sensitivity disorders. Of the instrumental methods, radiography is the most informative. But for a detailed study of the spinal segment, CT and MRI can be reported. To rule out diseases of the cardiovascular system, patients are given an ECG.

Worsening First Aid

Pain during the relapse of thoracic osteochondrosis is acute, penetrating, so the person should be given first aid. It should be soothed, laid on a hard surface, covered with a warm blanket. If the relapse is accompanied by an increased pulse, shortness of breath, increased anxiety, then you need to call a doctor. Any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug can be taken to relieve pain between the shoulder blades.

How to treat osteochondrosis in the chest

Only a comprehensive approach to treatment will get rid of all the symptoms of osteochondrosis, slow down or completely stop its spread to healthy discs and vertebrae. In pathology of 1-2 degrees of severity, conservative methods of therapy are used. For osteochondrosis of 3-4 degrees, the formation of large hernias is characteristic. Surgical treatment may be needed to relieve pressure on the blood vessels and spinal roots.


drugs for osteochondrosis

Drugs of different clinical and pharmacological groups are used in the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis. In the initial stage, drugs for parenteral administration are usually used that quickly provide a therapeutic effect. A few days later, the injection solutions are replaced with safer tablets, ointments and patches.

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs have a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Intramuscular administration of solutions allows to stop acute pain. To eliminate mild discomfort between the blades, local application agents are used. And with moderate pain, NSAIDs for oral administration work well.

Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle cramps in response to severe pain. The most common treatment for osteochondrosis in the chest begins with the intramuscular administration of drugs, which, in addition to the muscle relaxant tolperisone, also include an anesthetic.


In case of pathology of the first degree of severity, the course intake of chondroprotectors helps to repair damaged discs. In other cases, they are prescribed to improve the metabolism in the affected segment of the spine, in order to prevent the progression of the disease.

Vitamin B preparations

Their use helps to increase blood flow, improve the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, restore trophism and innervation. The vitamin B complex has a beneficial effect on degenerative diseases of the nerves and locomotor system.

Physiotherapy exercises

In the case of 1st degree thoracic osteochondrosis, daily exercise therapy allows you to work without the use of medication. Recovery occurs by strengthening muscles, improving the supply of nutrients to tissues. In other cases, exercise and regular training help prevent the inclusion of healthy segments of the spine in the destructive process and prolong the phase of remission.

Standing complex

In the standing position, the following therapeutic exercises are therapeutically most effective:

  • place your palms on your shoulders, bend forward, while raising your bent legs, as if trying to reach the opposite knee with your elbow;
  • raise your left arm up, lean to the right. Perform the exercise in the opposite direction;
  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your arms. Lean forward, touching the opposite leg with your palm.

The number of repetitions is 10-12 times in 2-3 sets.

From a lying position

For these exercises you will need a gym mat or a thick, double-folded blanket:

  • lie on your stomach, raise your arms and legs at the same time;
  • lying on your back, lift your upper body, extend your palms to your feet;
  • lying on your back, bend one leg, bend it behind the other, trying to touch the floor with your knee.

Each exercise should be done 7-10 times.


exercises for osteochondrosis

When performing such exercises, sharp movements of large amplitude, including twisting should be avoided:

  • sitting on the floor, stretch forward, trying to touch the opposite foot with your palm;
  • sitting on a chair or stool, stretch your arms forward and slowly turn from one side to the other;
  • sitting on the floor, wrap your arms around your knees and pull it as close to your chest as possible.

In the first hours of exercise should be repeated 5-7 times, after about a month - 15-20 times.


In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the chest, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, UHF therapy, sinusoidal currents, shock wave therapy, paraffin and ozokerite applications are used. With worsening, electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis with glucocorticosteroids, anesthetics, B vitamins, chondroprotectors are performed.


A massage performed by an expert helps to remove the pain between the shoulder blades and relax the cramping skeletal muscles.

massage for osteochondrosis

In the case of osteochondrosis, all types of massages are therapeutically effective - classical, vacuum, acupuncture, connective tissue. At home, self-massage is conveniently performed using a wooden or electric massager with long handles.


Acupuncture is a method of treating pathology by placing needles in bioactive points on the human body. They are thin, short, so when piercing the skin, only mild discomfort occasionally occurs. But even this effect is enough to create a substance in the body with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.


Nutritionists recommend patients with osteochondrosis in the breast to give up fatty meats, rich soups, smoked meats, homemade and factory marinades. It is necessary to limit the amount of salt in the diet, which causes the formation of edema. You have to drink about 2. 5 liters of liquid every day - water, vegetable juices, berry fruit drinks, fruit compote.

Folk remedies

Neurologists allow decoctions and infusions of herbs, ointments, rubbing alcohol and oil, compresses after the main therapy. Folk remedies are used to relieve mild pain between the shoulder blades, which sometimes occurs after physical exertion.

Celery root

Peel a celery root, chop it finely, squeeze the juice. Add 100 g of chopped fresh celery. Take 3 tablespoons up to 4 times a day with meals to cleanse the vertebral structures of harmful salt deposits.

Sunflower root

Pour a teaspoon of dried crushed sunflower root with a glass of hot water. Bring to the boil, simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, cool under the lid, drain. Drink 3-4 times a day.

Homemade ointment

homemade ointment for osteochondrosis

Grind a tablespoon of turpentine and thick honey in a mortar, add 2 drops of essential oils of spruce, rosemary and eucalyptus. Inject 100 g of medical Vaseline in small portions. Stir, transfer to a jar, refrigerate, rub on back with pain.

During pregnancy

Many systemic analgesics are contraindicated during pregnancy, so neurologists prefer drugs for external use - ointments, gels, patches. If you cannot do without taking the tablets, then their doses are significantly reduced. During the period of birth, the main methods of treatment of osteochondrosis in the chest are massage and exercise therapy.

Possible consequences

In the absence of medical intervention, thoracic osteochondrosis can cause pneumosclerosis, arrhythmias, vegetative-vascular dystonia, worsening of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired sexual and reproductive function in women and men.

Prevention and prognosis

The prognosis is favorable with timely detection of the disease, competent, comprehensive treatment. If complications of thoracic osteochondrosis have developed, then only following all medical recommendations will enable stable remission to be achieved.

As a prophylaxis of pathology, neurologists recommend excluding the factors that cause it from the usual way of life. It is overweight, low physical activity, lack of vitamins and minerals, excessive stress on the spine.